Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Second Trimester has arrived

Welcome to the 2nd trimester, folks! The land of renewed energy and sleepless nights! Last night I couldn't fall asleep until 3am, and I woke up wide awake at 9:30 this morning. It is the exact opposite of the first trimester!

After battling a number of sicknesses, sinus issues, and headaches, I've been feeling pretty good the last couple of days. I obviously missed my 13 week belly pic, but really, you didn't miss much. I may have started those too early. My tall, long torso self probably won't be showing for another month or two. But, alas, just in case, I will return to doing my pictures next week. You never know!

Meanwhile, in the land of energy and feeling normal, I am not showing and I completely don't feel pregnant. I am 2.5 weeks from hearing the baby's heartbeat and 5.5 weeks from finding out if it's a girl/boy. We are completely impatient for either/both occasions. Also, something to look forward to: In the next few weeks I should start feeling the baby! That will make me very happy and be a big step toward feeling preggo! I will be sure to update when this happens. About a week ago, I'm pretty sure I felt something and it was very shocking. But, unfortunately, I haven't felt anything since (that I've noticed).

Well, that's all for now. Until next week!

1 comment:

  1. That little person is indeed in there, and will begin to let you know very soon. I can't wait to meet Baby Mac.
    Children are a blessing from the Lord.
