Tuesday, January 15, 2013

11 Week Update on Baby #1

It's hard to believe the first trimester is almost over!

The past week was a rough one-- I've had a cold that probably would have lasted a couple of days, normally. But since I'm building a baby and my immune system is not fully functioning, it took a whole week to get better! Today, I am finally feeling better, but still a little stuffy and coughy. I hope I can avoid any more sicknesses throughout this pregnancy!

It's hard to tell because I was sick, but I do think I'm gaining some energy back. I didn't take a nap yesterday and I couldn't sleep last night, which makes me think maybe I'm not as tired as I had been. We'll see when I fully get over this cold.

I have my second appointment next week, where they take all kinds of bodily fluids and do tests. The exciting part is that we should be able to hear the heartbeat, via doppler!

Now, onto Baby Mac's progress:

via Baby Gaga

Your wee baby is now comparable in size to a plum!
Go ahead... we'll wait while you run to the kitchen and hold one in your hand to marvel at the life form unfolding inside of you.
Your baby's favorite game right now is exploring their face and especially their mouth.
Not only does this game improve your child's newly acquired voluntary muscle coordination of their limbs, but it also starts hard-wiring their hand nerves for newly gained sensations as they're now able to experience in their hands, because their palms can now "feel"!
Extensive facial exploration also primes their facial nerves by setting the stage for a lifetime of subtle sensations from kissing to spitting!
Final interesting fetal developments for the week: their newly acquired swallow reflex, and the beginnings of a sense of smell, which when combined with their maturing taste buds, will provide your baby with their first experiences of taste and smell in the womb.
Yeah, we're also curious what wombs smell like. We'd like to think warm and homey, which just might be the smell of freshly baked cookies.

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