Tuesday, January 22, 2013

12 Weeks! The magic number!

So, 12 weeks have gone by in the life of Baby Mac! The main thing this means for me is that the miscarriage risk has dropped to a very miniscule number. I hadn't really done a lot of worrying since we saw the baby and heartbeat anyway, but it's still good to hit this milestone. In a week I will be officially in the 2nd trimester!

The main notable thing that has occurred recently is the return of my energy. I can finally go a whole day without needing a nap, but I still get tired earlier than usual. I'll take it! It feels great to feel like myself again. I think my eating is mostly back to normal too. I haven't had any cravings or aversions in the past couple of days.

Well, a few days ago I thought my belly had grown and I was now showing, for real. But this morning I woke up and my belly felt flatter than it has in weeks. Not that you can tell it in these darn pictures...

I guess it was just baby bloat! 

It was about 37 degrees outside when we took these, but the sun was shining, so it wasn't so bad. Also, this coat I wore was really warm.