Friday, January 18, 2013

11 1/2 week update

I figured I'd do a little update of what my body is up to right now, since my symptoms have been changing. I actually can stay awake the whole day without feeling miserable!

Symptoms I'm not a fan of right now:
Headaches, all the time
Body aches
Stuffy nose
Food aversions (salad and fish)
Extreme thirst

Symptoms I don't mind so much:
Weight loss
I think I'm starting to show
My interest in chocolate is back

I'm glad nausea is all but gone-- I'm really, really, happy about that, actually. I've had tons of cravings on a regular basis. It makes me feel like a slave to my whims. We have a kitchen full of things that I was craving and then didn't want anymore by the time we got them. Or either I ate some of it and didn't want any more. Apple juice for example, I was craving for two days before Tyler got home. Since he came home and got it for me, it still hasn't been opened. S'mores, the other night. Haven't been opened. White bread: wasn't as good as I remembered, so I only ate a few slices.

Some of my notable cravings recently (that may or may not have been fulfilled):
Pickles (don't think I've ever craved those in my life)
Celery with pb and raisins on top
Double chocolate cupcakes
Cheese puffs (ate the whole bag over the course of a week)

That's what's going on with my stomach right now. I'm also extremely anxious to find out the sex. We still have TWO MONTHS left before that. That seems like an eternity.

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