Tuesday, July 2, 2013

35 Weeks: Home, Sweet Home

I missed last week-- it was yet another very busy week! But I should be able to finish the pictures now, as things have slowed down a little. Hopefully, I can also add some pictures of the nursery if it ever gets looking presentable.

I'm now the proud vessel of a full-grown baby human. She could be anywhere from 18 to 20 inches, and putting on baby fat, from here on out. She's still very active-- that's never really changed. I guess I've gotten used to this body a little for now, because I'm getting pretty good sleep right now, and only getting up once or twice to go to the bathroom. I'm trying the best I can to get things unpacked so that this house isn't a complete wreck when Mini gets here. Thank goodness for all the help we've gotten from our families over the last couple of weeks-- we couldn't have gotten this far without them. Tyler's been doing a lot of unpacking when he can and he's not working. He gets a lot more done than I do when he's motivated! I usually unpack a couple of boxes then sit down.

Here are some pics-- Tyler and I plan on taking one together when Mom comes and visits this week:


  1. Aw, such a great pic. Love your house. Love your dress! Where do you keep finding these cool dresses?!?

  2. Thank you!! Most of them I got in the first or early second trimester at ROSS. This one is really lightweight, so I might have to start wearing it more.

  3. I think you have a watermelon in there--or a basketball. You look so cute pregnant. Love the dress, too.
