Saturday, June 22, 2013

33 Weeks came a little late

It's been a crazy week-- we closed on our new house on Monday! It was a relief and a looong day. I'm getting more and more behind on these blogs, but I did manage to get a picture on Thursday, amidst all the work on the house. Mom came and helped me and boy, am I glad she did. I actually did get a good bit of work done on Thursday, surprisingly. This huge belly didn't hold me back as much, but my body felt it the next day, and is still feeling it. I could really use a ibuprofen right about now!

I feel like I've started the "pregnant waddle" as of late. I'm wondering if the baby has "dropped", as they say. Maybe the doctor will tell us on Wednesday. She's still moving quite a bit, and I can almost always feel a body part somewhere on my stomach. Hard to believe I might have a 5 lb. baby in my belly right now! She listens to our conversations and might remember music she's hearing right now. We painted her nursery Thursday and it's looking good! I can't wait to get things moved in!

Here are a couple of belly pics from Thursday, in front of the house:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I wish you lived closer so I could swing by the house! Can't wait to see it.
