Friday, July 12, 2013

36 Weeks: Vacay time

Tyler has been on vacation since Saturday, which we probably thought would consist of a lot of relaxing and doing nothing... but, as these things usually go, we've kept very busy! But we've gotten a lot done around the house and the yard, and I think there's a lot of fun in seeing the improvements in your own house. The nursery is coming together. I'm still missing a dresser/changing table, but we're getting closer. 

The doctor thinks that my baby will be a normal size (7-8 lbs) and that I will most likely go to my due date. I believe him about going until my due date or later, because that's typical of first time mothers anyway. Not so sure about the normal size baby! Last night, Mini was wild for hours. We even took a video that I may have to post on here. She's probably tired today after all of that!

Here are my pics that I took yesterday--- a little late. I might be wearing a lot of black from here on out... haha

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