Wednesday, July 24, 2013

38 Weeks: Full Term

This little baby chunk inside of me has reached full term :)  And I've been slacking on picture-taking. We always forget, or our schedules don't cooperate.

I'm feeling pretty good lately, though it's really hard to get around some days. Sometimes I have days where I feel fine and mostly able-bodied. But then other days, it's a struggle just to walk to the bathroom. The baby is very low, and pressing on all sorts of things. My stomach feels HUUUGE. And is, really. It's taking over my body! But all things considered, I'm doing good. I'm not constantly hating being pregnant or anything.

Mini Mac is still moving quite a bit. I don't think she will ever calm down, now. I'm excited to meet her and see her. I feel like I've already been bonding with her since I carry her around all the time, and talk to her and play music for her. She's my little buddy.

Pictures didn't turn out so great this week because I was squinty and should have worn sunglasses. But, you can still see how gigantic my belly is, at least.


  1. Yeah, all we want to see is the belly. LOL. Ha. Btw-that strapless dress made me think about something Reagan said last week. She saw a girl on tv with a dress and asked why it didn't have sleeves and I told her it was a strapless dress. She goes, "Oh, just like Auntie Jane's dress at the baby shower!" ha ha.

  2. The dress looks good in pictures. So do you! It won't be long before you will be carrying that sweet baby in your arms, not in your tummy. I am looking forward to seeing her, too.
