Wednesday, June 5, 2013

31 Weeks: Yawn

The past week has marked the seeming return of the first trimester. I've been a major sleepyhead. I've also had moments of nausea-- but not too bad. Mainly, I just start getting sleepy at like 8pm and easily fall asleep before midnight, which is unusual for me. And then I still want a nap throughout the day. I guess I should be happy about this, because most pregnant women at this stage are having problems getting any sleep. I'm still getting up to go to the bathroom a couple of times a night (sometimes just once!), but I'm half asleep and I fall right back to sleep when I do.

At our last doctor's appointment, we found out Mini is already head down, so that's good. I'll keep doing my exercises that promote a head-down position though. She's still wiggling and kicking and punching. Last night, we played a song in the car with a very pronounced beat, and she started punching! Ha, the girl likes 90's rock music already! :)  The night before the shower, I couldn't sleep already, and she got the hiccups, and I could really tell she was head down, because it felt like she was rhythmically tapping my bladder area! It was funny, except that I wanted to sleep and they went on for quite a while, haha.

I want to write all about the wonderful shower, but I want to have pictures to post when I do. So it will be another week or two before I do that. It was a fun day and everything was beautiful and the food was delicious. Can't wait to see the pics!

Here are the belly pics this week. It was hot. The hill was steep. And I had to pee.
.....I did my best.

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