Thursday, June 13, 2013

32 Weeks: The Waiting Game

My post is a little late this week-- I guess I've been slacking here at the Blog. Mini is still super active and has definitely grown. We no longer have to press our hand to my belly to feel a good kick. I can very much feel a baby body rolling and kicking and punching around and, oftentimes, I can see it, too.

The doctor yesterday said I was measuring 1 or 2 weeks ahead, and Mini is still head down and would probably stay that way. Measuring 1 or 2 weeks ahead basically means she might be a little bigger than average. He said I wouldn't be having a six pound baby. I laughed and said "I know".

So, it's 32 weeks, and we wait. I could have anywhere from 6 to 9 weeks to go. I'm already feeling big and it's hard to do things like bend down and do any sort of thing that exerts myself for too long. We're still waiting to move into our house also, so I've been packing... slowly. I'm beyond ready to be in the house now. We had expected to be in there for at least over a week now, so I'm feeling a little homesick.

I've been having a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions (practice contractions), which I've decided to shorten to "Bricks" for brevity's sake, since I have them so often and saying "Braxton-Hicks" ten times a day gets old. They're pretty rough and require me to stop and rest somewhere and catch my breath, at the least. I'm kind of hoping that since my body is practicing so early, that I will not go all the way to 40 weeks. But as a first time mother, I know I shouldn't hope too hard for that or I will feel very disappointed when I'm sitting around at 41 weeks and not in labor.

Tyler and I can't wait to meet our baby right now. It's fun interacting with her and everything is starting to become more real. We have even narrowed down our name choices, so I promise you we won't be calling her "Mini" after she's born! :)

here's some pics.

I included this one just because it shows the best how big I really am.


  1. You've got yourself a beach ball! Whoa belly!

  2. It feels like I swallowed a beach ball! Well, a beach ball that kicks and wiggles all day.
