Tuesday, April 30, 2013

26 Weeks

I'm having blogger's block this week. So I'll start out with the easy stuff:

Mini's estimated size right now is 14 inches long and about 2 lbs. She's getting big! She's also getting on a more regular sleep schedule, and is often sleeping when I am. She is still being extremely active in my belly.

I got some fun things in the mail yesterday! Mama K aka Gran sent me a lovely bracelet similar to the one I had mentioned liking a couple of weeks ago. I'm wearing it in the pics below! She also sent me a cute card from "Mini" about what she's doing in the sixth month. I've never seen anything like that before!

I also got the long-awaited invitation to the baby shower that Jessica is planning! An exciting preview, for sure! Looking at it on the fridge has gotten me really hyped for the shower, and I can't wait to see what's in store and see so many of our friends and family in one place!

The invitation:
I love the modern chalkboard look!

We should have had our second childbirth class last night, but the other two couples weren't going to be able to make it, so last night's class got canceled. Tyler and I were pretty disappointed, since the class just started and we were ready to move onto the next topic, but we'll get back to it next week. 

Beautiful weather again for the pictures! Although it is getting much harder to climb that hill to the tree!


  1. Good pix! You look like Pebbles! :)

  2. I love your hair that way! Pics looks so good, as usual. Kim sent me a bracelet, too. I can't believe Mini is that long. Tell her Gramma is waiting impatiently to see her, but that she should wait till she is fully developed to show up. Yay! Another little girl to kiss and hug.
