Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can I get potato chips on that?

Someone pointed out that this might be the opportune time to have a post about my pregnancy cravings. I haven't really had any persistent ones throughout the pregnancy.

In the first trimester, it was cheese. I wanted cheese on everything and especially any kind of mac 'n' cheese. The need for cheese coincided mostly with my morning sickness, I guess because it was one of the few things that sounded good to me when I was nauseated.

The second trimester wasn't accompanied by many cravings. The most notable was the milk phase. For two or three weeks, I couldn't get enough milk. My normal breakfast was milk, toast, and an apple. We actually bought whole GALLONS of Vitamin D milk to keep up. I believe there was also a short bacon obsession somewhere at the beginning of the second trimester (BLTs, Bacon with breakfast..)

But now we're in the third trimester. I haven't heard anything to back this up, but I think this might be where most of the cravings happen. Jessica said that she had a thing for sweet/salty combinations late in her pregnancy. Although hers sounded a little more normal...

Yesterday, when we were about to get ice cream at Jason's Deli and I had some leftover chips on my plate, it hit me. How yummy would it be to put CHIPS in my ICE CREAM?!?! Tyler didn't agree so much.. and someone came and offered to take our plates away, so the chips never actually made it to the ice cream. But I have to admit, it still sounds great. I can imagine crumbling salty chips and using them as an ice cream topping. That sounds delicious!

That was an odd one. My normal craving as of late is Sandwiches. Any and all kinds of sandwiches. I'm not sure, but maybe it started with the warm weather, when you want something light and cold to eat. Or maybe it started with our discovery of this unique sandwich shop called the Sandwich Farm, with the most amazing and interesting sandwiches we've run across. Which brings me to corned beef...

I had a bite of the highly-recommended corned beef sandwich that Tyler ordered at the Sandwich Farm, and fell in love! I had already been eyeing the new Arby's Roast Beef on King's Hawaiian Bread.. I've never in my life found roast beef or Arby's to be appealing. I've always turned my nose up at it. But I saw that commercial, and my only thought was "mmmm....". Tyler still hasn't taken me to Arby's for that (he thinks it's gross), but I have had the corned beef sandwich at Sandwich Farm, a roast beef sandwich from Jimmy John's, and yesterday a hot corned beef sandwich from Jason's Deli. I prefer corned over roast... it's so fabulous.

Yes. I just wrote an entire paragraph about sandwich beef. See what I mean?

Today, I was texting mom and accidentally typed "Subday" instead of "Sunday".... and thought "ooh... a sub sandwich..".  So the sandwich cravings live on!


  1. I didnt see any tummy pics, just stuff about things to fill the tummy--besides Mini, I mean. Take it easy on those sandwiches. They may not all end up on Mini. LOL

  2. Glad to finally see the tummy pics. You look good!

  3. Just had a thought. Wonder if all of those salty sandwiches are contributing to the dehydration? I'm no expert, though. Chug that H2O! :)

  4. The thought crossed my mind. But I don't necessarily have a sandwich every day. I was suspecting the dehumidifier machine they put in here for two days, myself!
