Tuesday, April 16, 2013

24 Weeks: Comfy clothes, please

Here we are at another milestone. Today I'm 24 weeks, which marks the point of "viability", which means if Mini were born now, she would have a good chance of surviving. Hard to believe, huh? But let's not have that happen for another 12 weeks or so, anyway.

In a few weeks, I will enter the third trimester. This is supposed to be the trimester where you get more uncomfortable and less mobile. If this is true, I feel like I'm already there. My belly is so stretched and big that I can hardly find a comfortable position, and sometimes it's hard to breathe--- mainly when I have a few bites too many at a meal! I'm starting to feel and act like a pregnant stereotype at this point, because Tyler has had to deal with me pouting that nothing fits right, I'm uncomfortable, and I just feel big. And not to mention, THERE ARE THREE MONTHS LEFT, PEOPLE!!

Okay, so that's what's going on with me right now. What's going on with Mini? Well she's still kicking away-- and pretty often throughout the day. She's also putting on weight. They estimate about a half a pound a week at this point. That's a pretty big jump, when you think about her going from 1 lb. to 1.5 lbs. in a week! That's a 50% increase! She's also possibly growing hair on her head, though it won't have pigment until later. Oh, and she can also open her eyes now!

The next month is sure to be a busy one for all three of us. Tyler and I start our childbirthing class next Monday. That should be interesting! After my glucose test appointment on May 7th, we start having appointments every other week. Lots of driving to Birmingham! Not to mention the many other events going on around this time. I might have to "play it by ear" whether I can make it to all of these, but I'm going to do my best.

Now, for the pictures. I might start wearing a lot more black from now on.. it makes me feel smaller. haha


  1. Pretty! You can just wear that every day if you want to look good. But, it wont fit you for long. Just buy another shirt in black.
