Tuesday, April 9, 2013

23 Weeks: Big Mama

It's taking over the worrrrrld!!!!

No, it's not The Blob. It's my belly.

So, it honestly looked extra big today with that button-down shirt, but it's still pretty big. At least, according to the doctor. Not to mention, I feel 8 months pregnant. What a difference four weeks have made.

We had an appointment with another doctor in the practice today, Dr. Ross. He was a nice guy and we both liked him. He measured my belly and said I am measuring a week ahead. The same forecast i got last appointment when they measured the baby.

The main thing that tells me that my belly has gotten really big, though, is the reaction from random folks. Today, I got lots of smiles from woman strangers, and comments from a restaurant host. You know you're really showing when people aren't afraid to address your condition out of fear they'll be wrong.

Sunny days are here, at last...

I could not be happier that the temperature reached the 80's today, and the 70's earlier this week. Just in time, too, because every pair of pants I own are now more uncomfortable than I feel like dealing with. I am overjoyed to be able to don loose dresses and skirts, without fear of getting a chill outside.

But while the sun may mean good things for my comfort level, it apparently doesn't bode well for these photos. I was pretty frustrated today that all the pictures came out so shadowy and I was squinting in almost every pic. Maybe I should whip out the sunglasses every week now....

Mini has been kicking away in the past week. One night last week, i contemplated calling her Sugar Ray because it felt like she was using my organs as punching bags! I can even see her move from the outside now. She is a wiggly little worm! 

According to my updates, her taste buds have formed, she is having REM sleep and probably dreaming, and she has a sense of balance so she knows if I'm moving or dancing! That's pretty cool! So I might be doing a little more dancing from now on, just for fun :)


  1. Love that first pic, especially. Cute sandals. Wish I could be around you more while you are pregnant. Mom

  2. I can't wait to see you again! Seems like it's been forever. You gettin' big, but you're looking gorgeous as ever. Your belly photos make mine look awful! Ha ha.
