Wednesday, April 24, 2013

25 weeks of pregnancy gone by

It's hard to believe I'm 25 weeks! Just 11 weeks until I'm considered "full term"-- wow! I've had a lot of energy in the past week, and I haven't been as uncomfortable as I was the week before. It's a good thing too, since our week was pretty busy and eventful.

Most of you know now that we've been considering buying a home instead of throwing more money into the great abyss of renting. We also need more space and a yard, which a house gives us without having to pay more per month. We found our perfect house back in January, when this thought was just a little idea. We still weren't sure what we were going to do, but last month we decided to go forward with trying to buy. This house had stayed on the market the whole time, and even gone down in price, and the seller was offering to pay closing costs now. As everything fell into place, we were becoming more and more convinced that this is the house for us.

 Last week, after a discouraging lack of correspondence from our agent, we abruptly switched agents to one who was more invested in us and the sale. We are SO happy we did this! We met with her on Wednesday, and planned to make our offer this Monday.

On Saturday, we went to Tuscaloosa and visited my family and celebrated my nephew's birthday. It was fun seeing everyone again! We also got to see Tyler's family, aka Poppa, Gran, and Uncle Spence. It was a wonderful weekend, and the fun of it helped pass the time so that I wouldn't be too obsessed with the upcoming offer on the house.

Monday, we met the agent at the house and gave it another quick look. It was even better than I remembered, and I got really excited. We made our offer and waited.

While we were waiting, that night we had our first childbirthing class! The teacher is great, and the two other couples seem really nice. I hope we learn a lot and have a good time in the class over the next 10 weeks.

So after just a little bit of back and forth, last night we came to an agreement with the seller of the house! It was a wonderful moment. We feel so blessed to have this opportunity. I never expected we would be buying so soon, but it just seemed to make sense. We still have a lot to do and a long way to go before the house is officially ours, but we feel that things will continue to go well and that this is our house.

Between all of these goings on, we still managed to take a belly pic yesterday!

Since 25 weeks seems like a milestone number, I thought I would go back and post some of the belly pictures from the past weeks and reminisce a bit.


  1. Yep, I'd say there is a baby in that tummy! Can't wait to meet her.
    You are looking good!

  2. Thank you! I love that 70's embroidered tunic :)
