Tuesday, March 5, 2013

18 Weeks: Jane Tired

I had a busy weekend, and came back today exhausted! I went to Chattanooga on Saturday for my sister Jennifer's House Warming Party, then to Tuscaloosa the next day so that I could celebrate a friend's birthday on Monday. I decided to drive back this morning instead of last night, because I was so tired! I still haven't recovered because I've been worn out all day. But Baby Mac hasn't been giving me much trouble at all over the busy weekend-- I had no headaches and no other major issues. I'm very happy about that!

Baby Mac is about 5 and a half inches, crown to rump, but stretched out he/she is anywhere from 7-10 inches! Baby can hear sounds, like the beating of my heart and the gurgling of my stomach, and maybe even a loud noise from outside my belly, too. This is the week that most first-timers feel the first movement. I've been waiting very patiently, and I'm really hoping this is the week!

Today it was super windy and stormy, and I was completely pooped when I took these photos, so you'll have to forgive me for these. Next week will more than make up for it, when I post the answer to the big question "Pink or Blue?"!


  1. Wow, Baby has grown a lot! Didn't realize our little one was that long.
    Can't wait for next week! Get some rest.

  2. I guess they still have the road blocked. Boo! Ready to find out if baby is a boy or girl. Just a few more days. Woohoo!!!
