Friday, March 15, 2013

Nesting: Nursery Plans

Tyler and I are still not sure where we'll be living when the baby comes, but for now, I'm operating under the hope that we will be in a 3 bedroom establishment. If not, my nursery plans will merely be a sized down version, split with my office, so I see no reason to stop thinking about it.

I spent most of yesterday planning out the main look and major pieces of the nursery. I knew I wanted a modern but feminine look, but not too frilly. My inspiration room made things a lot easier, since I am not the most talented interior designer. The idea of an inspiration room, is that you follow the general look and idea and let it inspire you, but not copy it exactly.

So I worked on a virtual board filled with items I could actually acquire for my own nursery. It will have pale mint green walls, white and cream furniture, a black and white rug, and salmon pink accents. I also had a lot of prints from Etsy saved in my favorites already that I want to use for the art wall. 

Some of these pieces are still just serving as inspiration, because I plan to find them cheap at yard sales and thrift stores, but a lot of them are the exact items I will be getting! My sister found an amazing deal on the sheep mobile, a Pottery Barn $62 mobile, for $8 at Kid's Market! Pretty sure I owe her a home-cooked dinner for that one.

The art wall is almost exclusively from Etsy shops. The photograph will be replaced instead with a similar one of Tyler and mini, I'm hoping :)

The curtains that are on the closet, will actually be on the window. I'm going to buy white curtains, then Mom is going to sew the trim on. I was having such a hard time finding those curtains!

So, this is it! I'm pretty happy with the result so far, and I hope you are too!

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