Tuesday, February 26, 2013

17 Weeks: Now you see it...

Now you only sort of do.

Baby is going through a growth spurt right now, and I've gained some weight over the past 4 weeks, but in pictures, my bump looks to be shrinking! I think maybe some of my belly before was bloat. You can still see it, but not quite like before.

I'm beginning to wonder when they'll ever open the roads again that lead to the oak tree. We would walk up there, but it's a long long walk, and it's been so very cold lately. Maybe in April we will get some warmer days and I won't always have to bundle up! (Though, I did ditch my coat for the pic today.)

It's exactly 2 weeks until our anatomy scan ultrasound. I hope they don't start dragging, because I'm getting very impatient again! We've been thinking about names again and I've been gravitating toward the baby clothes. But we can't do anything until we know!

All right, All right. Here's the fun part-- pictures!


  1. Kurt says 'Dang, it's takes a long time to get a baby here'.

  2. Hahah! Kurt is so right! Almost a year!
