Tuesday, March 19, 2013

20 Weeks: Halfway Home

I can't believe it's been a week since the ultrasound! This past week went by so quickly, but it was pretty busy, so I guess that's to be expected. But we've also hit a new milestone! 20 weeks! Assuming the pregnancy lasts exactly 40 weeks, that means we're halfway there! In some ways the last 20 weeks flew by, and in others, it feels like it's been forever. Especially when I think about that we got our first positive pregnancy test right after Thanksgiving.

I haven't felt Mini much lately, which is normal at this stage. I hope I start feeling her again soon, though, because it's a lot easier to talk to something you feel moving than just to talk to your belly like a crazy person! All the updates say she can definitely hear me now. Most of these updates also say she's around 10 ounces, but last week they estimated 12 ounces, so when I read those updates, I just kind of laugh.

Mini isn't the only one growing these days. My belly has gotten visibly bigger in the last week. I don't think I would need a picture to tell me that, with all the stretching feeling and itching. If my belly is any indication of how much baby girl is growing, then I'm starting to think that she might actually be a July baby! I've bought some adorable clothes for her, and Tyler and I have even found some names we agree on.

Tyler and I have been missing our friends and family, and we wish we could see you all more often. But, at least we have technology, which keeps us so much more in touch than we would have been even 10 years ago.

Today was a pleasant but cool 60-degree day. We were delighted to see that they finally opened the gates to our old picture spot. Here are the fun and sunny pics!


  1. WHOA! Check out that bump. I do believe you've POPPED!

  2. Love these pics and the blog. I am so excited about my granddaughter who seems to be growing by leaps and bounds!
