Tuesday, March 26, 2013

21 Weeks: Growth Spurts

Brrr! Here, at the end of March, I'm hoping this is our last week of Winter. Next week, the forecast has 70-degree temperatures, so I'm going to hold them to that! :)  Today, we have been having steady flurries all day. It eased up a little while we were taking the pictures, but in the ones you can see, it still just looks like weird lines (like going warp speed in space).

My updates tell me that Mini should be about a pound right now. They also tell me that the baby is about to start the stage where her main business is getting cute and chubby! Well, I added the "cute" part. Let's assume that. But she's going to be fattening up! She also is growing eyelashes and eyebrows (hopefully not a unibrow, baha...)

And my belly seems to be at a stage where it looks bigger every week. The pictures this week prompted a "Whoa!" from me. Pictures always make everything more apparent!

No, I am not wearing a jacket in these. Yes, I am a little crazy. I'm tired of Winter cramping my style!!

Nope, not cold at all. I'm too cool to be cold. 

You can see the snow in this one! And I was very happy to put Tyler's ugly but warm coat back on.


  1. "Whoa" was my first reaction, too! We must be related or something. There is a definite difference from last week. I am so excited!
