Tuesday, May 21, 2013

29 Weeks: Growing

This week, Mini could be anywhere from 15-17 inches, according to my various updates. This is amazingly close to birth size! Apparently, her quarters are getting more cramped, and she should start moving less. Someone might need to tell her that, haha. I can tell she is getting bigger though, because I feel her all over my belly, not just in one side at a time.

Tyler and I are close to closing on the home-- we can't believe it's already here. Hopefully we will be moving in in about 3 weeks. I'm so ready to get settled in there and also to start getting the nursery ready-- and just relax and get pregnant-er. By the beginning of June, I should be done with all of my orders until the baby comes, so maybe I can concentrate on trying to prepare for what's ahead.

Picture time.


  1. I will be glad to see that nursery come together. and especially glad to hold that little girl!

  2. What all are you missing for your nursery? You have most of it, right?

  3. Well, we have the crib and a mobile. Thaaat's about it.
