Friday, August 30, 2013

42 Weeks: The birth of Edith Mirabelle

The last week of my pregnancy was a challenging one. I was desperately hoping every day to go into labor, as an induction date loomed closer and jeopardized my chance to have a natural labor. It was tough, at times, and Tyler and I did our best to keep our minds off things and try to enjoy the days and stay optimistic. 

I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 4:30pm to start Cervadil, which prepares my body for induction, which would begin the next morning on Tuesday, August 20th, at 42 weeks exactly. 

Throughout the night on Sunday night/Monday morning, I began having strong contractions, about 8-10 minutes apart. They felt different (stronger) than any of the other contractions I had had up until that point. I felt pretty sure that something was getting started. When Tyler woke up, I told him about the contractions, and he began rubbing my back through them. The contractions weren't going away through any activity, unlike before. I took a shower, and had two contractions while I was in there. We began getting stuff ready to head to Birmingham, as the contractions got closer together. This was it. There was no doubt....

Then they stalled. Again. We had been through this once already, and I was trying not to feel discouraged, because I still knew this was "it". The contractions didn't return at any frequency by the time it was time to head to the hospital to start Cervadil. As we got to the hospital, and we did paperwork and I was put in a hospital gown and they attached EFM belts to my belly, I was low. I was very negative and depressed. This is all exactly what I didn't want. I was scared and just wanted to go home. The nighttime doctor finally came in around 6:30 and checked me. He found that I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced, and having contractions. He told me that I had two options: We could go home (this sounded great at that point); or we could walk the halls, labor in the room, and just use the room as a "hotel" while I progressed naturally. BINGO. My mood took a 180 and I smiled really big and all of the sudden I love this doctor! We'll stay, since I've been having contractions and we live far away. 

As soon as the doctor left, my contractions picked up again, happening about 3 minutes apart, and getting stronger. After an hour, they were 2 minutes apart, and Tyler and I were breathing through them. 

And, well, 23 hours or so later, and not a medication administered, our sweet Edith Mirabelle was born. Everyone was amazed that I came to the hospital for an induction and went into labor on my own. I never felt pressured by the hospital staff, and the nurses were actually like secondary doulas. Edith showed up at the last minute, on August 20th, at 42 weeks gestation. Apparently, she likes to push deadlines, too. :)

She aspirated some fluid and meconium during the birth, so she ended up being transferred to the NICU and recovered quickly. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, she stayed there for six days. But she's healthy and peaceful, and like her mommy, she gets very grumpy when she's hungry!

Here are some pictures from the labor and Edie's first day of life. 

 In between contractions, I was feeling A-Ok.. at that point.

But, then they got more difficult... and I still had about 16 hours left right here. 

8 lbs. 2 oz.
Got to hold her for a couple of minutes before they took her away.

Didn't take too long to decide on a name. Edith means "prosperous in war" and Mirabelle means "wonderful". 


  1. Those are beautiful pictures, keep them coming! Congratulations again. :)

  2. What happens to the blog now? "Jane make baby" converts to "Jane raise baby"? :)
