Tuesday, February 26, 2013

17 Weeks: Now you see it...

Now you only sort of do.

Baby is going through a growth spurt right now, and I've gained some weight over the past 4 weeks, but in pictures, my bump looks to be shrinking! I think maybe some of my belly before was bloat. You can still see it, but not quite like before.

I'm beginning to wonder when they'll ever open the roads again that lead to the oak tree. We would walk up there, but it's a long long walk, and it's been so very cold lately. Maybe in April we will get some warmer days and I won't always have to bundle up! (Though, I did ditch my coat for the pic today.)

It's exactly 2 weeks until our anatomy scan ultrasound. I hope they don't start dragging, because I'm getting very impatient again! We've been thinking about names again and I've been gravitating toward the baby clothes. But we can't do anything until we know!

All right, All right. Here's the fun part-- pictures!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

16 Weeks, with a heartbeat

Yesterday was a very busy day! We had to take a belly picture, run errands, go to our appointment in Birmingham, and we had dinner with Tyler's cousin and wife. When we finally got home at past 10pm, we were happy to see that Rex had been a very good boy!

Our appointment went well. We did have to wait, uncomfortably, in the room for about 30 minutes to see the doctor, but not before hearing the baby's heartbeat. I was a bit nervous when the nurse took a minute to find it, but find it, she did. It was beating at a quick 166 beats per minute. And he/she was moving around a lot, which you could hear on the doppler. It sounded like a train over train tracks-- click click click...
That sound has my mind at ease from now on. :)

The doctor recommended a tylenol and phenergan combination for my headaches, and it sounds like a promising solution.

I should note, that in the past week, I have started craving tons of milk. This might have something to do with the baby's bones strengthening at this stage. Looks like we'll be stocking up on milk for now!

The belly pics did not go well yesterday-- the road was blocked off again and we were in a hurry, so we didn't get the best angle for seeing the belly. But, alas, here they are...

via Fit Pregnancy:

Your Growing Baby

Your baby weighs about 2.8 ounces (79 grams) and is about 4 1/2 inches from crown to rump—roughly the size of a small gerbil. At any time, you will begin to feel fetal movement as your baby's bones harden, and she starts a big growth spurt. Your baby has plenty of room: At this point, she could fit in the palm of your hand. This is a great time to be a fetus. At any given time, she might be playing with the umbilical cord (which she's now able to grasp), putting her thumb in her mouth, or kicking at the amniotic sac.

Your Growing Belly

Since you have almost a cup of amniotic fluid in your uterus, your pelvic area will feel heavy and firm. You're also carrying all the extra poundage your body's putting on that can be attributed to extra blood and fluid volume, your placenta and baby's support systems, and enlarging breasts.
It's normal to be gaining a pound a week at this point. If you have an appointment this week, your care provider may recommend an ultrasound to detect the possibility of genetic defects.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

15 Weeks: A big headache

The 15th week, for me, has been the week of migraines. They went from a nightly occurrence, to an all-day guarantee this week. I was happy that on Sunday I was spared, so that I could enjoy my family's birthday party for me. Friday, however, was a rough start to the weekend, as my all-day headache turned into a fierce migraine at night while we were at the movies. It culminated in me coming home and vomiting from the pain. That's a big deal since I rarely vomit for any reason, and the reason is usually the stomach virus.

Other than the migraines, I'd say the 15th week came and went, without incident. It's one week until my next appointment, and 1 month until we find out the sex. Tyler and I are both mentally counting down to both of these appointments.

Tyler is nearing the end of one of his books about pregnancy. Right now, he is learning all about the labor and delivery and lots of very interesting info! He has several titles on his must-read list before baby, and he seems to be enjoying each book he's started.

via Baby Gaga: 

Interesting fetal developments: your wee monkey's elbows and knees are bending more freely this week and their little legs arefinally less stubby than their arms.
Many of your baby's major organ systems are increasing in capacity - especially their amazing tiny heart and circulatory system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to a very impressive 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy.
You wee womb-tenant is now capable of making all sorts of interesting facial expressions, which include squinting, frowning, and grimacing (at the taste of their pee?).
As far as hair goes, we've got some new scalp patterns beginning to develop on the head, although actual head hair is not yet present, just their furry monkey lanugo.

Today's belly pics did not go off without a hitch. The road that goes to the big oak was closed off, so we had to do a different location in the park. I was not happy to be in the cold rain today, so I gave a face that displayed my feelings in one of the pics :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

14 Weeks: Pictures Don't Lie

Or do pictures add 10 lbs? I forget...

I've been feeling bloated for the past few days, but couldn't tell whether or not I actually had some baby belly going on. Judging by these pictures, that would be a big YES. I'm not sure I can blame it out my outfit or the shadows, because it definitely looks like my eggo is preggo.

Right now the baby is about 5 inches long, and is making all kinds of facial expressions and movements, and is maybe even sucking his/her thumb. We have 2 weeks until our next appointment, and 5 weeks until the big ultrasound!

Here's what we've all been waiting for... legitimate belly pics!