Friday, August 30, 2013

42 Weeks: The birth of Edith Mirabelle

The last week of my pregnancy was a challenging one. I was desperately hoping every day to go into labor, as an induction date loomed closer and jeopardized my chance to have a natural labor. It was tough, at times, and Tyler and I did our best to keep our minds off things and try to enjoy the days and stay optimistic. 

I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 4:30pm to start Cervadil, which prepares my body for induction, which would begin the next morning on Tuesday, August 20th, at 42 weeks exactly. 

Throughout the night on Sunday night/Monday morning, I began having strong contractions, about 8-10 minutes apart. They felt different (stronger) than any of the other contractions I had had up until that point. I felt pretty sure that something was getting started. When Tyler woke up, I told him about the contractions, and he began rubbing my back through them. The contractions weren't going away through any activity, unlike before. I took a shower, and had two contractions while I was in there. We began getting stuff ready to head to Birmingham, as the contractions got closer together. This was it. There was no doubt....

Then they stalled. Again. We had been through this once already, and I was trying not to feel discouraged, because I still knew this was "it". The contractions didn't return at any frequency by the time it was time to head to the hospital to start Cervadil. As we got to the hospital, and we did paperwork and I was put in a hospital gown and they attached EFM belts to my belly, I was low. I was very negative and depressed. This is all exactly what I didn't want. I was scared and just wanted to go home. The nighttime doctor finally came in around 6:30 and checked me. He found that I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced, and having contractions. He told me that I had two options: We could go home (this sounded great at that point); or we could walk the halls, labor in the room, and just use the room as a "hotel" while I progressed naturally. BINGO. My mood took a 180 and I smiled really big and all of the sudden I love this doctor! We'll stay, since I've been having contractions and we live far away. 

As soon as the doctor left, my contractions picked up again, happening about 3 minutes apart, and getting stronger. After an hour, they were 2 minutes apart, and Tyler and I were breathing through them. 

And, well, 23 hours or so later, and not a medication administered, our sweet Edith Mirabelle was born. Everyone was amazed that I came to the hospital for an induction and went into labor on my own. I never felt pressured by the hospital staff, and the nurses were actually like secondary doulas. Edith showed up at the last minute, on August 20th, at 42 weeks gestation. Apparently, she likes to push deadlines, too. :)

She aspirated some fluid and meconium during the birth, so she ended up being transferred to the NICU and recovered quickly. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, she stayed there for six days. But she's healthy and peaceful, and like her mommy, she gets very grumpy when she's hungry!

Here are some pictures from the labor and Edie's first day of life. 

 In between contractions, I was feeling A-Ok.. at that point.

But, then they got more difficult... and I still had about 16 hours left right here. 

8 lbs. 2 oz.
Got to hold her for a couple of minutes before they took her away.

Didn't take too long to decide on a name. Edith means "prosperous in war" and Mirabelle means "wonderful". 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

40.5 Weeks: Still Cooking

So, I've been a slacker.

I completely forgot to take my 40 week pic, which you would think would be sort of a big deal. 40 weeks! The number we've all been waiting for! Well, I did manage to take some pics today, at 40.5 weeks. Tyler and I had our first date six years ago tonight. So, for the occasion, I decided to wear "normal" clothes and shoes, as best I could. It's been a while since I've worn pants in public! I actually wasn't terribly uncomfortable all night. I ate some extra spicy Chinese food, just in case any of the old wives' tales are true, you know.

Here are tonight's pics-- in our living room.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Nursery

So, the nursery is not going to be done before Mini gets here, but I decided to post what I have so far. I'll be extra happy when it's finished, but so far, so good, I think.

P.S.- this will substitute for my 39 week post, since the camera is neatly packed up and I don't feel like taking it out. :)

Quilt, made by Great-MaMa Ludy....

Wreath, made by mother for my shower...

The closet, as well as a couple of other things, is still a work in progress...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

38 Weeks: Full Term

This little baby chunk inside of me has reached full term :)  And I've been slacking on picture-taking. We always forget, or our schedules don't cooperate.

I'm feeling pretty good lately, though it's really hard to get around some days. Sometimes I have days where I feel fine and mostly able-bodied. But then other days, it's a struggle just to walk to the bathroom. The baby is very low, and pressing on all sorts of things. My stomach feels HUUUGE. And is, really. It's taking over my body! But all things considered, I'm doing good. I'm not constantly hating being pregnant or anything.

Mini Mac is still moving quite a bit. I don't think she will ever calm down, now. I'm excited to meet her and see her. I feel like I've already been bonding with her since I carry her around all the time, and talk to her and play music for her. She's my little buddy.

Pictures didn't turn out so great this week because I was squinty and should have worn sunglasses. But, you can still see how gigantic my belly is, at least.

Friday, July 12, 2013

36 Weeks: Vacay time

Tyler has been on vacation since Saturday, which we probably thought would consist of a lot of relaxing and doing nothing... but, as these things usually go, we've kept very busy! But we've gotten a lot done around the house and the yard, and I think there's a lot of fun in seeing the improvements in your own house. The nursery is coming together. I'm still missing a dresser/changing table, but we're getting closer. 

The doctor thinks that my baby will be a normal size (7-8 lbs) and that I will most likely go to my due date. I believe him about going until my due date or later, because that's typical of first time mothers anyway. Not so sure about the normal size baby! Last night, Mini was wild for hours. We even took a video that I may have to post on here. She's probably tired today after all of that!

Here are my pics that I took yesterday--- a little late. I might be wearing a lot of black from here on out... haha

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

35 Weeks: Home, Sweet Home

I missed last week-- it was yet another very busy week! But I should be able to finish the pictures now, as things have slowed down a little. Hopefully, I can also add some pictures of the nursery if it ever gets looking presentable.

I'm now the proud vessel of a full-grown baby human. She could be anywhere from 18 to 20 inches, and putting on baby fat, from here on out. She's still very active-- that's never really changed. I guess I've gotten used to this body a little for now, because I'm getting pretty good sleep right now, and only getting up once or twice to go to the bathroom. I'm trying the best I can to get things unpacked so that this house isn't a complete wreck when Mini gets here. Thank goodness for all the help we've gotten from our families over the last couple of weeks-- we couldn't have gotten this far without them. Tyler's been doing a lot of unpacking when he can and he's not working. He gets a lot more done than I do when he's motivated! I usually unpack a couple of boxes then sit down.

Here are some pics-- Tyler and I plan on taking one together when Mom comes and visits this week:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

33 Weeks came a little late

It's been a crazy week-- we closed on our new house on Monday! It was a relief and a looong day. I'm getting more and more behind on these blogs, but I did manage to get a picture on Thursday, amidst all the work on the house. Mom came and helped me and boy, am I glad she did. I actually did get a good bit of work done on Thursday, surprisingly. This huge belly didn't hold me back as much, but my body felt it the next day, and is still feeling it. I could really use a ibuprofen right about now!

I feel like I've started the "pregnant waddle" as of late. I'm wondering if the baby has "dropped", as they say. Maybe the doctor will tell us on Wednesday. She's still moving quite a bit, and I can almost always feel a body part somewhere on my stomach. Hard to believe I might have a 5 lb. baby in my belly right now! She listens to our conversations and might remember music she's hearing right now. We painted her nursery Thursday and it's looking good! I can't wait to get things moved in!

Here are a couple of belly pics from Thursday, in front of the house:

Thursday, June 13, 2013

32 Weeks: The Waiting Game

My post is a little late this week-- I guess I've been slacking here at the Blog. Mini is still super active and has definitely grown. We no longer have to press our hand to my belly to feel a good kick. I can very much feel a baby body rolling and kicking and punching around and, oftentimes, I can see it, too.

The doctor yesterday said I was measuring 1 or 2 weeks ahead, and Mini is still head down and would probably stay that way. Measuring 1 or 2 weeks ahead basically means she might be a little bigger than average. He said I wouldn't be having a six pound baby. I laughed and said "I know".

So, it's 32 weeks, and we wait. I could have anywhere from 6 to 9 weeks to go. I'm already feeling big and it's hard to do things like bend down and do any sort of thing that exerts myself for too long. We're still waiting to move into our house also, so I've been packing... slowly. I'm beyond ready to be in the house now. We had expected to be in there for at least over a week now, so I'm feeling a little homesick.

I've been having a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions (practice contractions), which I've decided to shorten to "Bricks" for brevity's sake, since I have them so often and saying "Braxton-Hicks" ten times a day gets old. They're pretty rough and require me to stop and rest somewhere and catch my breath, at the least. I'm kind of hoping that since my body is practicing so early, that I will not go all the way to 40 weeks. But as a first time mother, I know I shouldn't hope too hard for that or I will feel very disappointed when I'm sitting around at 41 weeks and not in labor.

Tyler and I can't wait to meet our baby right now. It's fun interacting with her and everything is starting to become more real. We have even narrowed down our name choices, so I promise you we won't be calling her "Mini" after she's born! :)

here's some pics.

I included this one just because it shows the best how big I really am.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

31 Weeks: Yawn

The past week has marked the seeming return of the first trimester. I've been a major sleepyhead. I've also had moments of nausea-- but not too bad. Mainly, I just start getting sleepy at like 8pm and easily fall asleep before midnight, which is unusual for me. And then I still want a nap throughout the day. I guess I should be happy about this, because most pregnant women at this stage are having problems getting any sleep. I'm still getting up to go to the bathroom a couple of times a night (sometimes just once!), but I'm half asleep and I fall right back to sleep when I do.

At our last doctor's appointment, we found out Mini is already head down, so that's good. I'll keep doing my exercises that promote a head-down position though. She's still wiggling and kicking and punching. Last night, we played a song in the car with a very pronounced beat, and she started punching! Ha, the girl likes 90's rock music already! :)  The night before the shower, I couldn't sleep already, and she got the hiccups, and I could really tell she was head down, because it felt like she was rhythmically tapping my bladder area! It was funny, except that I wanted to sleep and they went on for quite a while, haha.

I want to write all about the wonderful shower, but I want to have pictures to post when I do. So it will be another week or two before I do that. It was a fun day and everything was beautiful and the food was delicious. Can't wait to see the pics!

Here are the belly pics this week. It was hot. The hill was steep. And I had to pee.
.....I did my best.